The Counter Press, mk III


It’s safe to say, we’ve been quiet of late. Too quiet, in fact. Having relocated ourselves to the wonderful West Country just months before the old global pandemic thing happened, we found ourselves, thankfully, with a bit more space and fresh air, but unfortunately separated from the press and with work on the newly planned studio/workshop firmly on lockdown.

It became an unwanted and unplanned hiatus, that has really dragged its heels. Letterpress has always been slow, just not this slow.

Fast forward two years—almost to the day—and a lot of work and heavy lifting, and the new place is complete. We’re in and (very nearly) printing again.

It’s been a long held ambition to build our own space and finally have everything under one roof, and although this wasn’t the Grand Designs build from scratch that dreams are made of, it was a fairly hefty renovation of the rather sad and unloved quadruple garage (who needs a quadruple garage!?).

The space has been divided into two: one side houses the design studio for Counter Studio, and the other is a new print workshop for the press – everything designed to suit the way we work and allow us to move seamlessly between the two, moving from pixel-perfect precision to precision proofing-presses. And as far as we know, we’re the only letterpress workshop with a built-in brand agency.

It also means we can finally begin to think about running letterpress workshops again (Covid permitting) for creatives and creative teams that want to get off the computer and get ink under their fingernails. Drop us a line at to find out more.

The Counter Press, mk III, can now be found perched on a little hill overlooking countryside between the beautiful cities of Bristol and Bath.


The Desmond Jeffery type collection